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Mole Control (Moles)

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What are Moles?

includes shrews and hedgehogs. They are characterized by their cylindrical bodies, velvety fur, tiny eyes, and powerful forelimbs adapted for digging. Moles are primarily insectivores, feeding on earthworms, insects, larvae, and other invertebrates found in the soil.

While moles share some similarities with rodents, such as their small size and burrowing habits, they are not classified as rodents. Instead, they belong to a distinct taxonomic group called Eulipotyphla. Rodents belong to the order Rodentia and include animals like mice, rats, squirrels, and beavers. Unlike rodents, moles have specialized adaptations for a subterranean lifestyle, including strong forelimbs, shovel-shaped hands, and reduced eyesight.

In summary, moles are not rodents but rather belong to a separate taxonomic group known as insectivores. They are well-adapted for a life spent underground, where they tunnel through soil in search of food.

Why Are Moles At My Property?

If you’re finding moles on your property, it’s likely because your land provides an ideal habitat for these small mammals. Moles are attracted to environments with loose, moist soil, which makes it easier for them to tunnel and hunt for their preferred prey, such as earthworms, insects, and larvae. Properties with rich soil, abundant vegetation, and regular irrigation are particularly appealing to moles, as these conditions support a thriving population of their food sources.

Additionally, if your property has a lawn or garden, moles may be drawn to the abundance of earthworms and insects present in the soil. Lawns and gardens provide a buffet of tasty treats for moles, making them prime hunting grounds. Furthermore, the act of digging and tilling soil in gardens can create an inviting environment for moles to burrow and establish their underground tunnels.

Another factor that may attract moles to your property is the absence of natural predators or barriers. Moles are solitary creatures that prefer undisturbed areas where they can tunnel and forage without interference. If your property lacks natural predators like foxes, owls, or snakes, moles may feel more comfortable establishing themselves in your yard. Similarly, if your property is not fenced or bordered by natural barriers like rivers or forests, moles have easy access to roam and explore.

Lastly, it’s essential to consider the time of year when moles are most active. In many regions, moles are most active during the spring and fall when soil moisture levels are optimal, and insect activity is high. Therefore, if you’re noticing an influx of moles on your property during these seasons, it may be due to their natural patterns of behavior and activity.

In summary, moles may be present on your property due to the favorable habitat conditions, abundance of food sources, absence of predators or barriers, and seasonal patterns of activity. Understanding these factors can help you devise strategies for managing mole activity and minimizing any potential damage to your lawn or garden.

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Risks Associated with Moles

While moles themselves may not pose direct risks to humans, their presence on properties can lead to several potential issues and risks:

  1. Lawn and Garden Damage: One of the primary risks associated with moles is the damage they can cause to lawns and gardens. Moles create extensive networks of tunnels as they burrow underground in search of food. These tunnels can disrupt the root systems of grass, plants, and vegetables, leading to patches of dead or dying vegetation. Additionally, the mounds of soil pushed up by moles can create unsightly bumps and ridges on lawns, making them difficult to mow and maintain.

  2. Increased Pest Activity: While moles primarily feed on earthworms, insects, and larvae, their burrowing activity can inadvertently attract other pests to properties. The disturbed soil and increased moisture levels in mole tunnels can provide favorable conditions for pests like ants, grubs, and slugs to thrive. This can result in secondary pest infestations that further damage lawns and gardens.

  3. Tripping Hazards: The raised molehills and tunnels created by moles can present tripping hazards, especially in areas with heavy foot traffic. People walking or playing in affected areas may accidentally step into mole tunnels or trip over molehills, leading to injuries such as twisted ankles or falls.

  4. Damage to Underground Utilities: In some cases, moles may burrow near underground utilities such as water pipes, electrical cables, or irrigation systems. Their tunneling activity can potentially damage or disrupt these utilities, leading to costly repairs and service interruptions.

  5. Weakening of Soil Structure: The extensive tunneling and soil displacement caused by moles can weaken the structure of the soil over time. This can result in soil erosion, especially during heavy rainfall or irrigation, leading to further landscaping challenges and potential damage to property foundations.

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What are the steps to Professional Mole Control?


Professional mole control typically involves a systematic approach to identify, manage, and mitigate mole activity on properties. Here are the steps commonly followed by companies like Accend Solutions in providing professional mole control services:

  1. Assessment and Inspection: The first step is to conduct a thorough assessment and inspection of the property to identify signs of mole activity, such as molehills, surface tunnels, and damage to lawns or gardens. Trained technicians from Accend Solutions will inspect the affected areas to determine the extent of the mole infestation and assess the factors contributing to mole activity.

  2. Identification of Mole Species: Accurate identification of the mole species present on the property is essential for implementing effective control measures. Different mole species may exhibit varying behaviors and preferences, requiring tailored strategies for control. Professional technicians will identify the species of moles present and consider their biology and habits when developing a control plan.

  3. Development of Control Strategy: Based on the assessment findings and mole species identification, Accend Solutions will develop a customized control strategy tailored to the specific needs of the property. This strategy may include a combination of trapping, repellents, habitat modification, and exclusion methods to effectively manage mole activity while minimizing environmental impact.

  4. Implementation of Control Measures: Once the control strategy is developed, trained technicians will implement the necessary control measures on the property. This may involve setting up mole traps in strategic locations, applying mole repellents or deterrents, modifying landscaping features to discourage mole activity, and installing barriers to prevent mole access to sensitive areas.

  5. Monitoring and Evaluation: Accend Solutions will monitor the effectiveness of the control measures implemented and evaluate the results over time. Regular inspections and monitoring of mole activity will help technicians assess the success of the control efforts and make any necessary adjustments to the strategy.

  6. Follow-Up and Maintenance: After initial control measures are implemented, Accend Solutions will provide follow-up visits and maintenance services as needed to ensure long-term mole control. This may include additional trapping sessions, reapplication of repellents, or further habitat modifications to prevent mole re-infestation.

  7. Educational Outreach: Accend Solutions may also provide educational outreach to property owners and residents on mole behavior, prevention tips, and environmental considerations. By raising awareness and providing guidance on mole control practices, they empower clients to take proactive measures to reduce mole activity and minimize future infestations.

By following these steps, Accend Solutions ensures comprehensive and professional mole control services that effectively manage mole activity while promoting environmental sustainability and client satisfaction.

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FAQs on Mole Control/ Removal

We know you may have questions about Moles in general and how Pest Control for Moles work. We have compiled a few FAQs on Moles that might clear the confusion. 

  • What are moles, and why are they a problem in Johannesburg?

    Moles are small mammals that burrow underground, causing damage to lawns, gardens, and landscaping. In Johannesburg, moles can be particularly problematic due to the city’s favorable climate and soil conditions, which provide an ideal habitat for these pests.
  • How do I know if I have a mole problem on my property?

    Signs of a mole problem include raised ridges or mounds of soil (molehills) in your lawn or garden, surface tunnels running just below the soil, and wilting or dying vegetation caused by disrupted root systems. If you notice any of these signs, it’s likely that moles are present on your property.
  • What risks do moles pose to my property?

    Moles can cause damage to lawns, gardens, and landscaping by tunneling underground in search of food. Their burrowing activity can disrupt root systems, leading to dead or dying vegetation. Additionally, molehills can create tripping hazards and unsightly bumps on your lawn.
  • What methods are used for mole control and removal?

    At Accend Solutions, we employ a variety of effective methods for mole control and removal in Johannesburg. These include trapping, baiting, and repellents, as well as habitat modification techniques to make your property less attractive to moles.
  • Are the methods used safe for pets and children?

    Yes, our mole control methods are safe for pets and children when applied by trained professionals according to recommended guidelines. We use environmentally friendly products and techniques to minimize risks to non-target species.
  • How long does it take to get rid of moles from my property?

    The time it takes to eliminate moles from your property depends on various factors, including the severity of the infestation and the effectiveness of the control methods used. In most cases, you can expect to see significant results within a few weeks of treatment.
  • Do you offer ongoing maintenance to prevent moles from returning?

    Yes, we offer ongoing maintenance programs to help prevent moles from returning to your property. This may include regular inspections, monitoring, and preventative treatments to keep moles at bay.
  • What steps can I take to prevent moles from returning to my property?

    To reduce the risk of moles returning to your property, we recommend maintaining a well-manicured lawn, minimizing excess moisture, and removing sources of food such as grubs and insects. Additionally, installing physical barriers or fencing may help deter moles from entering your property.
  • Is mole control and removal covered by homeowners’ insurance?

    While every insurance policy is different, mole control and removal may be covered by homeowners’ insurance if the damage caused by moles is deemed significant enough to warrant a claim. We recommend contacting your insurance provider for more information on coverage options.
  • How can I schedule an inspection or treatment for mole control and removal?

    To schedule an inspection or treatment for mole control and removal in Johannesburg, simply contact Accend Solutions via phone or email. Our experienced technicians will assess your property and recommend the best course of action to address your mole problem effectively.

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Moles and Mole Control | Pest Control and Fumigation
Article Name
Moles and Mole Control | Pest Control and Fumigation
Moles are small, burrowing mammals known for their extensive tunneling habits, which can cause significant damage to lawns, gardens, and landscapes. In Johannesburg, these pests can create unsightly molehills and disrupt plant roots, leading to patchy, uneven ground and damaged vegetation. Moles primarily feed on insects, earthworms, and other invertebrates, making their presence more common in well-irrigated and fertile soil areas. Effective mole pest control in Johannesburg involves several strategies to manage and mitigate their impact. Professional pest control services often use a combination of trapping, repellents, and habitat modification to reduce mole populations. Trapping is one of the most effective methods, where specialized mole traps are placed in active tunnels to capture the pests. Repellents, both chemical and natural, can be used to deter moles from inhabiting certain areas. Additionally, modifying the habitat by reducing excessive watering and controlling insect populations can make the environment less attractive to moles. Accend Solutions offers comprehensive mole pest control services in Johannesburg, ensuring that lawns and gardens are protected from the disruptive activities of these burrowing pests. By utilizing a combination of trapping, repellents, and habitat management, they provide effective and long-lasting solutions to mole problems.
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Accend Solutions | Pest Control and Fumigation
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